Oticon Intent
Engage in Life Like Never Before
Welcome to the world of Oticon Intent, where hearing aids go beyond just sound processing. Imagine a hearing aid that not only understands sound but also comprehends your intentions. Yes, you read that right! Oticon Intent is the world’s first hearing aid with user-intent sensors. Let’s dive into what makes it so remarkable.
The Challenge: Sound vs. User Intent
Traditional hearing aids treat all users the same way, applying a one-size-fits-all approach to sound processing. But here’s the catch: everyone’s listening needs are unique. Even within the same sound environment, our intentions and preferences vary. Oticon recognized this and set out to create a solution that truly caters to individual users.
The Breakthrough: 4D Sensor Technology
Oticon Intent introduces a groundbreaking concept: user-intent sensors. These sensors gather information from head and body movements, conversation activity, and the acoustic environment. Let’s break down how they work:
Acoustic Environment Sensors: Imagine a 360º sound scene around you. Oticon Intent™ collects details about this soundscape as it varies within different listening environments. Whether you’re at a bustling café or enjoying a quiet sunset, the sensors adapt accordingly.
Head Movement Monitoring: How you move your head matters. Intent™ observes your head movements to understand the type of communication situation you’re in. Are you actively engaged in a conversation or just listening? The sensors pick up on these cues.
Body Movement Awareness: Physical movement sensors anticipate your need for increased spatial awareness support. Whether you’re turning to face someone or navigating a crowded room, Intent™ has your back.
Conversation Activity: Is there an active conversation happening? Intent™ prioritizes speech based on real-time cues. When you’re chatting with friends or family, it ensures crystal-clear communication.
The Result: Engaging in Life
Oticon Intent goes beyond hearing; it empowers you to fully engage in life. Here’s what sets it apart:
Individualized Help: Intent combines user-intent sensors with the new Deep Neural Network 2.0. This results in MoreSound Intelligence 3.0, which provides personalized support based on your situation and intentions. No more one-size-fits-all!
Precise Balancing: Backed by extensive clinical studies, Intent™ ensures precise balancing of sounds in your brain. Even within the same environment, it adapts seamlessly to your unique needs.

Discreet and Rechargeable
Oticon Intent isn’t just smart; it’s also sleek and discreet. Its small design blends effortlessly into your life. Plus, it’s packed with rechargeable power, so you can focus on living without worrying about battery changes.